
Asp.net To Pdf Pdfsharp

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With PDFsharp you can create files with PDF versions from 1.2 (Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0) through 1.7 (Adobe Reader 8.0). Vaysoft excel to exe converter crack. PDFsharp fully supports PDF 1.4 (Adobe Reader 5.0) including the transparency features introduced with this version. Some features of PDF 1.5 (Adobe Reader. Uploaded net download traffic.

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Post subject:Generate and download pdf through browser

Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:29 am
Posts: 19
Hi, Im trying to use PDFSharp with Asp.Net Core 2.1. It working great, creating the pdf and save it to the path.
But it didn't show anything in the browser that the file has been downloaded to the browser default download path.
Here is my code:
namespace CreatePDF.Controllers
public class CreatePDFController : Controller
// GET: api/<controller>
public IActionResult CreatePDF()
return Ok('Successfully generate pdf.');

public class PDFGenerator
public static string GeneratePDF()
GlobalFontSettings.FontResolver = new FontResolver();
var document = new PdfDocument();
var page = document.AddPage();
var gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
var font = new XFont('OpenSans', 20, XFontStyle.Bold);
gfx.DrawString('Hello World!', font, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(20, 20, page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.Center);
return 'pdf generated';

So, when user click button. It will generate the pdf and download it through browser like below. How do I achieve this using PDFSharp and .Net Core?


10-PDF-downloaded-file.png [ 2.72 KiB Viewed 1435 times ]
Post subject:Re: Generate and download pdf through browser
PDFsharp Expert

Joined: Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:15 am
Posts: 538
Location: CCAA
The controller must send the PDF to the browser.
Here is a sample that does it with ASPX:
With ASP.NET MVC return the PDF file as the action result.
Maybe this helps you get started:

Best regards
(Freelance Software Developer with several years of MigraDoc/PDFsharp experience)

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