
Payday 2 Third Person Mod


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Well, while in a heist, the game loads the third-person models from AI and players, but not from you. Alphabetical phoenix zip code. All the models that the game load from you is the weapons models, the mask model and arms models, every since that there is really no why to load the rest of the thirdperson models. But yeah, I'd still love to get thirdperson on payday 2. Jump to Payday 2 Third Person Mod - It's partly a genuine mod request, because i'm a big fan of customization, and a big fan of third person shooters.

07-15-2015, 01:19 AM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2015, 01:25 AM by Trav. Edit Reason: added links)
This is more of a request than a project. Please read this whole thing, it is quite good.
I am a huge fan of FPS games. I love them :3 . However, I also like third person as well. I think payday is fine just the way it is, but in a mod community that is expanding their horizon, I think that it is time to spice things up.
You may be thinking 'This guy is stupid as fuck and doesnt understand that you cannot just CHANGE the camera view.' I know what an undertaking this is, and I know you guys are worried. But I think we can do it.
I know, and have heard, from various sources that it would be hard and nearly impossible to change camera, simply because of the fact that you would need coding, remodels and textures, different scripts and a ton of other stuff. The fact that there would be more clipping and viewmodels and being able to see through stuff, and enhanced vision, compatibility with others mods, etc. I know that this is hard shit we are talking about. I am almost guaranteeing right now that we cannot do it. I bet we can't. But, as they say, it cannot hurt just to try.
If anyone here wants to try this with me, I would love that. In the mean time, lets just go back to making our own mods, and if you see anything useful then just post it here. Also, if anyone knows of files that have camera angles (lol :3) or files that have to do with you changing your view model for FIRST PERSON, that would be nice to share. Also, please keep in mind, I kind of just posted this for pure fun, probably not gonna happen, but eh, I'm trying to get our forums more active up in this club. S'okay, just post your thoughts here, eventually I will try to take on this undertaking. Hopefully we can pull something together. Maybe not third person, but maybe like more FOV or something, I don't even know.
Happy Heisting, not even sure what this post was even about, but good luck in your endeavors,
- Trav
links about third person payday