
Excel File Of All Sic Codes For Businesses


At Only $49 for 1000 Targeted, Accurate Sales Leads,
You'll be Hard Pressed to Find a Better Deal for this Kind of Business Data.

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes – 1987. 1761 Roofing, Siding, And Sheet Metal Work. 2381 Dress And Work Gloves, Except Knit And All-Leather. 2384 Robes And. 276 MANIFOLD BUSINESS FORMS. The Entire NAICS Code List - Free from EHSO NAICS Code List. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system was the older way of classifying businesses to provide new comparability in statistics about business activity across North America. In 2002, the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) replaced the U.S.

There Are No Monthly Fees, No Commitments & No Confusing Web Interfaces.
Records Are Delivered To You In Excel - Ready To Use.

Only $49 for 1000 Complete Business Leads..That's Not a Typo
So Contact Us Today & Get Started.

Here's What You Need To Do To Get Started:

If you want to grow your business by marketing your product or service to a highly targeted list of sales leads, then follow this simple 3 step process:

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1. Download our handy SIC Code List spreadsheet here(and the newer NAICS Codes). If you already have your SIC Codes or Industries targeted, then skip to Step 3.

2. Identify your best prospects by indicating which industry categories represent the market for your products or services (or in the case of a broad market appeal, identify the industry categories that you would like to EXCLUDE from the targeting process). Our Business Databank is selectable by both SIC and NAICS Codes for your convenience - whichever you prefer.
**If you prefer, call us for a no obligation consultation if you need assistance in developing a more targeted approach to your sales and marketing efforts. Our List Advisors have a wealth of practical sales and marketing experience across virtually every industry and are always available to discuss your business, your products and services and your objectives.
3. Contact Us In Any of Following Ways belowto discuss your needs, get counts and order your list. Our Business Databank is the most comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date file on the market today..and you'll find our pricing - starting at $49 - simply can't be beat.

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Our Current Business Databank Rates - As of Today,

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Up to 1000 Records$49
1001 - 2000 $89
2001 - 3000$129
3001 - 4000$165
4001 - 5000$199
< 5000$40/M

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Here's How Our Exclusive Relationship With One Of The Nation's Leading Business Data Compilers Will Help You Become More Successful.

First, Our Continuously Updated Information On Over 18 Million Businesses In The U.S. Means You Put Your Product Or Service In Front Of The Most Qualified Prospects Available.

Look Below At The Information Elements We Update Every Quarter.
True, It's More Information Than You'll Probably Ever Use, But It Shows The Comprehensive Approach And Commitment We Take Toward Creating The Best Business Database Available.

Full Mailing and Geographic Information:

  • Complete Company Name
  • Primary Address & Secondary Address
  • City State, Zipcode and Zip+4
  • The County Associated With The Address Record
  • The MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Name and Code
  • The USPS SCF (Sectional Center Facility) That Serves The Address
    ** Please note, if you were looking for a USPS SCF list - you can find an Excel spreadsheet of every USPS SCF, the facility address, and the zipcodes they serve by clicking here: USPS SCF LIST.
  • The Carrier Route
  • Latitude & Longitude Of The Address Point (Great For Our Mapping Services)
  • The Congressional District
  • The Census Block / Tract (Great For Identifying Economic Opportunity Zones)

Full Contact Information:

First Name
  • Last Name
  • Suffix
  • Position/Title
  • The Contact's Email Address
  • The Total Qty Of Contacts We Have On File For The Company

Company Specific Information
  • Annual Sales Range
  • Exact Annual Sales
  • Exact # of Employees
  • Employee Size Range
  • Telephone Number (Including Area Code and Prefix)
  • Fax Number
  • Website URL
  • Year Started Business (We Also Have A New Business Hotline List As Well)
  • SIC Code Classifications (2,4 & 8 digit levels)
  • Small Office/Home Office Indicator
  • High Tech Company Indicator
  • Food Or Food Service Company Indicator
  • Business To Business Company Indicator
  • Business To Consumer Company Indicator
  • Business To Government Company Indicator
  • Finance Company Indicator
  • Public Government Entity Indicator
  • Media Company Indicator
  • Propriety 'E-Biz' Indicator
  • Estimate Of Monthly Telecommunications Spend
  • Telecommunications Company That Serves The Address
  • Estimate # of Computers Present
  • Ownership (Private, Public)
  • Location Type (Whether The Record Is An HQ, Single Location or Branch)
  • Business Entity Type (Corporation, Partnership, Etc)
  • Building Square Footage
  • State of Incorporation
  • Tax Exemption Status
  • Entity Sub-Type (Religious, Veteran, Minority, Woman Owned)
    **All of these data elements can be used as criteria when developing your list. So if you're looking for the 'needle in the haystack' we can help!
If An Incredible Amount Of Quality, Regularly Verified Information Weren't Enough,
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You've Got Access To Fresh, Accurate Prospects From One Of The Leading
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Here's More Information About SIC CODES:
If you're looking to find a particular industry SIC Code, download our handy spreadsheet above. It contains a complete listing of SIC Codes, their descriptions, as well as the newer corresponding NAICS Codes (more on those later).

And .we've even linked each description in the spreadsheet to OSHA's SIC Code manual where you can read a more comprehensive description of the category in case your not sure if a particular category is right for your product or service! Sure..it was a lot of work, but we think you'll find it useful..we do, because we use it ourselves!

All there is to know about SIC Codes:

  • It stands for Standard Industrial Classification
  • The SIC code is officially 'on the way out' ..meaning the Feds have done away with it as a classification system..but don't worry, you can still order lists using SIC codes, because many Business Data compilers (including DietrichDirect) still use them as a means for identifying a company within a particular industry. Everybody is used to them - so compilers will keep them around.
  • They come in many flavors - officially 2, 3 & 4 digits. However, DietrichDirect is able to identify companies by 2, 4, 6 or even 8 digits! This is important when you're really trying to pinpoint certain industries to a fine degree. See the spreadsheet and you'll see what we mean.
  • SIC codes are weak at describing the SERVICE and HIGH TECHNOLOGY industries. This is understandable because way back when they were created, our economy wasn't primarily service oriented - and we were still fascinated with the handheld calculator. The weakness also has to do with the fact that SIC Codes attempted to explain industries by similarities in the production process

  • NEC
    or Not Elsewhere Classified: these are catch-all categories for industry groups that are somewhat significant, but not significant enough to warrant their own separate codes.
  • The guiding principle behind SIC Codes was to group together industries that have similar production processes. Pretty shortsighted in our opinion..here's an example of the problem potential:
    • In code 3751, motorcycles and bicycles are grouped together. Here you have two end products which are quite different, but grouped together in one code. This means that it is very difficult to develop a leads list on motorcycles only, or bicycles only. Fortunately, that's where our expertise can help you with the inclusion of further, more discrete categorizations available in our Business Databank!

All there is to know about NAICS Codes

  • It stands for North American Industry Classification System.
  • The coding system is used by the US, Canada and Mexico. Its development is a result of NAFTA.
  • The US Census Bureau began collecting data using NAICS in 1997, but because of the long publication cycle for the Census Bureau, NAICS didn't completely replace the SIC code until 2004. The code has already been updated once (2002), and there are plans for more updates as well.
  • The most specific and focused NAICS codes are always five digits for US data.
  • You may also see shorter (2, 3 and 4 digits) codes to reflect a broader picture, just like the SIC codes.
  • A company can have a primary NAICS code as well as other secondary codes..for instance, GMs is 336111 to describe 'automobile manufacturing' but it also has others to describe its other lines of business like 522298 (non depository intermediation..aka, financing for car buyers!)
  • Companies themselves can choose their own NAICS codes when submitting their filings to the SEC. And commercial publishers have a variety of strategies: some use the codes they find in corporate documents (e.g. SEC filings); others assign codes themselves.Bottom line is this.. If you're getting odd results for a particular NAICS code search (as in, you're missing some companies you believe should be retrieved, or you're getting companies that you believe should not be there), give us a call and we'll help with the research.
If you need further information on SIC or NAICS Codes that wasn't available here, you may visit the OSHA web site by clicking on this link: SIC Code List at the OHSA website.
Now That You're Caught Up On SIC/NAICS Codes,
Let's Get Started..Call Us Today!

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