
Ck2 Tech Points Cheat


This page lists the codes which may be input into the Console Window, a special debugging window which may be accessed by pressing the ` key (button may vary on non-American keyboards). Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Many codes can be turned off by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary.

All Games News Game Tech PC PS4 PS5 Xbox One Xbox Series X Switch Stadia 3DS Entertainment News Reviews. Jul 16, 2016  Crusader Kings II. All Discussions. Anyway C.K.2 dont worth to use cheat engine when saves are so easy to manipulate. Jul 16, 2016 @ 10:21am why wouldnt it? They have a list of console commands available for you to cheat on =p #2. Mastervovan Jul 16, 2016 @ 10:30am.

They are often considered cheating to use.

List of Commands

Expansion or patch requiredCommandEffectExampleComments
money [amount]Adds the desired amount of money to the player's nation's cash reserves.money 15000
patch 1.2prestige [amount]Gives a specified amount of prestige to the player.prestige 100
leadership [amount]Adds the desired amount of leadership to the player's nation's leadership reserves.leadership 3
goods [amount]Gives the player the amount specified of all the goods in the game plus the same amount of money. Default is 10000.goods 5000Warning: creating a large amount of goods with this code will probably lead to economic problems.
plurality [number]Set the player plurality to the number given.plurality 75
revolt [province id]Rise all the valid rebels of the country that controls [province id]revolt 1Use twice for it to take effect
instantconstructionBuildings finish in one day.instantconstructionAffects human and AI players.
incBuildings finish in one day.incAffects only human players, not the AI.
instantresearchResearch finishes in one day.instantresearchAffects human and AI players.
inrResearch finishes in one day.inrAffects only human players, not the AI.
yesmenThe AI accepts any deal with the player or other AI players.yesmenThis was changed to 'debug yesmen' in the initial release of HoD.
HoDdebug yesmenThe AI accepts any deal with the player or other AI players.debug yesmen
tag [TAG]Change the player country to the one specified.tag USAThe tag must be capitalized.

More than 1 change 'sleeps' the AI of the affected country until reload.

event [event id] [province id]Trigger province events, regardless of the event requirements.event 5162 1This command applies to province events only. If the province ID is not specified, the event is triggered in the the capital province of the player's country.
event [id] [TAG]Trigger country events, regardless of the event requirements.event 2001 USAThis command applies to country events only. If the country tag is not specified, the event is triggered in the player's country.
changeowner [TAG] [province id]Change the current owner of [province id] to the TAG specified.changeowner USA 1
changecontroller [TAG] [province id]Change the current controller of [province id] to the TAG specified.changecontroller USA 1Unless there is a war between the original owner and the specified country the province will return to the original owner.
conquerall [TAG]Set all enemy provinces under the current country's control.conquerall USAUnless there is a war between the specified country and the current country the provinces will return to the original owner.
showprovinceidShows the id of the provinces.showprovinceid
providShows the id of the provinces.providA shortened version of the previous command.
spawnunit [unit] [province id]A [unit] appears in the province specified at 0 organization and full strength.spawnunit hussar 206In case of a land unit, the soldiers will come from a random province.
reload <filename>Allows some files, such as the interface files, to be reloaded.reload interface.gfxNo-one is sure which files can be reloaded and which cannot.
reloadfx <effectname>Reloads the specified shaders.reloadfx map
reloadtexture <name>Reloads the specified texture.reloadtexture grass.png
breakEnforces rebel/movement demands.breakThe top-level rebels available in the movement window are the ones that have their demands met.
upperhouseTrigger a reelection of the upper house.upperhouse
electionStarts common elections.election
militancy [level]Changes militancy of all pops by the specified amount.militancy 1Both positive and negative values work.
dateChanges the date.date 1862.5.13
fowTurns onof fog of war.fow
HoDdebug fowTurns onof fog of war.debug fow
debug invent [invention]Discover specified invention.debug invent gas_attackThe names of all inventions are in the inventions folder.
debug marketTurns on/off a log of price changes.debug marketThe log is located at which is located in My documents/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 2/Logs/game.log, and has a format described at [1].
minzoomControls max and minimum zoom.minzoom
debug cb_use <cb_type> <TAG> <TAG>Show all the requirements for a certain Casus Belli, marking which ones are currently valid or invalid. The first TAG is the country trying to use the CB; the second TAG is the country against the CB is evaluated.debug cb_use conquest_cb USA MEXThe list can be too long to be completely displayed.
wireframeSwitches units' 3D models to wireframe mode.wireframe
blockade <provinceid>Blockades the specified province.blockade 1
reorg <provinceid>All units in the specified province get 100% organization and full strength.reorg 12
fullscreenChanges screen to fullscreen mode.fullscreen
debug allmoneyShows info for money transfers.debug allmoney
debug alwaysdiploMakes diplomats endless.debug alwaysdiplo
debug alwaysaddwargoalRemoves limitations for adding wargoals.debug alwaysaddwargoal
debug researchpoints [number]Grants the specified number of research points.debug researchpoints 9001
debug alwaysreformEliminates the 1 month wait between reforms.debug alwaysreformYou still need to have +50% of the upper house favorable to pass reforms. The effect of this command do not disappear until the game is restarted, and it's unknown if it also affects the AI.
debug influenceMakes every Great Power's influence on every country fixed at 100. When deactivated, all influence levels return to normal.debug influenceAlso affects the AI.

It doesn't show any message on console when activated or deactivated.

suppressSet suppression points to 100.suppress

New commands in HoD


citysize [on/off] [<size 0-100>(if on)]

newsfakegenerateall(fakenewsall) [<stylename>] [<randomseed>]

newsfakegenerate(fakenews) [articlename] [<stylename>] [<randomseed>]


newsgeneratefrompath(newsfrom) [path] [<stylename>] [<randomseed>]

newsgenerate(news) [filename] [<stylename>] [<randomseed>]

addresearch(addr) [techname]

leaderprestige(lprestige) [province] [value]



breakalliances(breakally) [<tag>]

lua [luacode]


morehumans(humans) [num]

window(wnd) [Arguments: open/close] [window gui name]


reload [file name]


reloadfx [Arguments: map or *.fx filename]

reloadtexture [texture file name]




teleportselectionto(teleport) [province id]

reorg [province id]

tutorial [chapter id] [<reload>]


debug [Arguments: lines/alwaysupgradecolony/ai/influence/market/alwaysreform/allmoney/alwaysdiplo/alwaysaddwargoal/artisanchange/focusai/info/profile/pops/tooltips/assert/promotiondesc/demotiondesc/cb_use/eco/textures/fow/yesmen/wireframe/minzoom/render/color/save]

spawnactor [actor name] [province id] [<animation>] [<gun>] [<hat>]


help [command name]

Unconfirmed or not working commands


promotiondesc: Somehow should descript pop promotion. Looks like game crashing.

demotiondesc: Somehow should descript pop demotion. Looks like game crashing.

cthulhu: Calls Cthulhu R'lyeh.

help: Displays the message 'No help for you!' Work in Heart of Darkness.


rand_log Rand log enabled




window Valid commands are: open <windowName> close reload


no_pop_update Pops are not updating Pops are updating


All follow use with debug prefix:

debug lines

alwaysupgradecolony (Always can upgrade colony)

natfoc Prio for:


focusai National focus

ai debug toggled water???

shadow shadows info

Ck2 Tech Points Cheat





textures Texture info has been written to the debug log.

render Render options: Trees: yes no Borders: Text: Overlay: Objects: MapObjects: Rivers: Water: WaterBorders: Effects:


spawnactor Syntax is spawnactor <actorname> <provinceid> [animation] [gun] [hat]









Format of the log generated

[worldmarket.cpp:861]: Ammunition demand: 2213.24

[worldmarket.cpp:862]: Ammunition supply: 731.901

[worldmarket.cpp:863]: Ammunition price: 15.5681



[worldmarket.cpp:1538]: --------------------------------------------

[worldmarket.cpp:1546]: Ammunition _ActualSold Domestic markets: 444.897

[worldmarket.cpp:1547]: Ammunition Suppply World markets: 366.213

[worldmarket.cpp:1549]: Ammunition _ActualSold World: 130.501

[worldmarket.cpp:1550]: Ammunition left on market: 235.712



[worldmarket.cpp:3001]: --------------------------------------------

[worldmarket.cpp:3006]: Ammunition(i:0) sold(domestic): 444.897

[worldmarket.cpp:3007]: Ammunition(i:0) sold(world): 130.501



[worldmarket.cpp:3011]: --------------------------------------------

[worldmarket.cpp:3016]: Ammunition on next market: 290.749
Retrieved from 'https://vic2.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Console_commands&oldid=17453'

Technology represents the military, economic and cultural knowledge of a province.

A county will have a progress level ranging from 0 to 8 for each of the different technologies, and these give a variety of bonuses. Technologies can have decimal increments and give partial effects at intermediate levels.

Rulers of duke-rank and higher (except nomads) produce technology points, which may be invested to increase technology in the capital province. In addition, technology spreads automatically from high- to low-technology provinces.

The effects of cultural technology are determined by technology levels in one's capital province. Military and economic technology are applied province-by-province, except for military organization, siege technology, and construction, which are also based on the capital's technology.

Much like construction, technology is a long-time prospect. However, unlike construction, making progress in technology takes decades, and the effects are often small in comparison. On the flip side, researching technology which allows you to construct buildings have a relatively large impact.

  • 1List of technologies
  • 4Starting technology
  • 5Strategies

List of technologies[edit]

The Technology advancement screen (V. 3.2)

There are in total 18 different technologies, six for each major area: Military, Economy, and Culture. The effects are as follows:


  • Infantry:
    • increases the morale of Light infantry , Archers , Heavy infantry , and Pikemen by +5.0% (+40% total at level VIII) and defense by +7.5% per level (+60% total at level VIII).
  • Cavalry:
    • increases the morale of Light cavalry , Heavy cavalry , Horse archers , War elephants , Camel cavalry by +5.0% per level (+40% total at level VIII) and defense by +7.5% per level (+60% total at level VIII).
  • Skirmish Techniques:
    • increases the attack of Light cavalry , Archers , Horse archers , and Camel cavalry by +7.5% per level (+60% total at level VIII), and 'the chance of Flank leaders choosing better skirmisher tactics increases'.
  • Melee Techniques:
    • increases the attack of Heavy infantry , Pikemen , and Heavy cavalry by +7.5% per level (+60% total at level VIII), and 'the chance of Flank leaders choosing better melee tactics increases'.
  • Siege Equipment:
    • increases offensive siege speed, and decreases defensive siege speed, by +12.5%/level (+100% total at level 8)
  • Military Organization:
    • +12.5%supply limit (everywhere) per level.
    • +2.5% morale per level.
    • +12.5% land organisation per level.
    • +150%Retinue cap per level.
    • level IV and above remove pagan defensive attrition.


  • Castle Infrastructure:
    • unlocks most castle buildings.
    • +6.2% Castle tax income per level (+50% total at level VIII).
    • Level I unlocks level III and IV tribe fort buildings (required to upgrade to castle unless holder of the Empire of Russia).
  • Cities and Temples
    • unlocks most town and church/temple buildings.
    • +5.0% town and church tax income per level (+40% total at level VIII).
    • Level I unlocks level III and IV tribe town buildings (required to upgrade to city).
  • Improved Keeps:
    • unlocks keep and fortification buildings. Note that some buildings require walls of a certain level to be built first before they can be constructed.
  • Trade Practice:
    • unlocks Port buildings.
    • Trade Practice I required to upgrade a tribe to a merchant republic.
    • +7.5% trade post income per level.
    • Trade post cap adjusted by -66.7%, -33.3%, 0%, +10%, +20%, +30%, +40% and +50% per level.
  • Construction:
    • reduces construction time and cost by -3.1% per level (-25% at level VIII).
    • unlocks all hospital buildings.
  • Shipbuilding:
    • increases number of galleys with +10% per level.
    • levels I to IV unlock ship-providing buildings.


  • Noble Customs:
    • increases opinion of feudal vassals by +3 per level.
    • Noble Customs I required to upgrade a tribe to a castle.
  • Popular Customs:
    • increases opinion of burghers by +3 per level.
  • Religious Customs:
    • increases opinion of clergy by +3 per level.
  • Majesty:
    • increases monthly piety and prestige gain by +6.2% level.
    • reduces the Short Reign penalty, by considering the reign +0.62 years per level longer than actual (+5 years at level VIII).
    • Majesty II required for Establish Tributary State CB (Majesty IV if capital is in Europe)
    • Majesty V required for the Imperial Administration law.
  • Tolerance:
    • reduces Wrong Religion and Wrong Culture modifiers by -6.2% per level (max -50% at level VIII).
    • Tolerance III to VI unlocks gender equality laws.
  • Legalism:
    • unlocks new laws and successions.

Research points[edit]

Non-nomadic duke-rank and higher rulers generate research points each month in each of the three categories - Military, Economic and Cultural - according to the following formula;

where Learning is the ruler's personal learning attribute; Skill is the ruler's military, stewardship or diplomatic attribute, for military, economic and cultural technology, respectively; the RankBonus is 1.0, 1.2 or 1.4 for a duke, king or emperor, respectively; and BuildingBonus is the sum of all extra points from all special buildings in your demesne plus from count and baron tier vassals. Buildings held (directly or indirectly) by Duke and King tier vassals do not contribute to your BuildingBonus. Church schools produce 0.04 Cultural points per level per month, while universities produce 0.05 economic points per level per month. Advanced hospital buildings also generate technology points.

In addition, the spymaster study technology mission will often trigger an event that rewards 50 points in a random category, while the research missions for the military, economic and religious advisers will less frequently trigger an event that rewards 50 points in the appropriate category. Battles, whether won or lost, generate military points based on duration and the size of each army (as a fraction of total strength).

Some province modifiers, such as those provided by the chinese master engineer or earned through prosperity-booming events, provide a constant stream of technology points. The amount they provide is doubled if the province itself is booming. Poser elite texture lana v4l.

The cost to improve technology by one rank is given by the following formula:

where rank is the rank (from level I to VIII) of the new technology; AheadPenalty is 0.006 for every year the current year is ahead of the 'Base Year' of the technology - this is 800 for level I, 900 for level II, etc.; and ProgressRemaining is the percentage, from 10% to 100%, left to research in the current technology level. For example, suppose the year is 1150 and we want to go from Military Organization level 4.0 to 5.0 in our capital. The Base Year for level V technologies is 1200, so we are 50 years ahead. The cost is (100 * 5) * (1 + 0.006*50) = 650 points. If our capital already had Military Organization at level 4.5, we would only need to spend half as much, or 325 points.

Technology spread[edit]

Technology spreads between provinces that border each other, as well as between provinces in the demesne of the same ruler even if they do not border each other. The rate of growth depends on the degree of the technology lead in the more advanced province. The spymaster's 'study technology' mission also lets technology spread from the target province to the ruler's capital. The other advisors' research missions also increase the speed of spreading, as do the school and university buildings.

The chance of an increase (by one tenth (1/10) of a full level) in a particular technology per year is:

Here are the formulas for each bonus:

  • TotalDemesneDifference is the sum of the tech lead in all other demesne provinces. For example, if County A has Light Infantry at 1.0, County B has 1.7, C has 2.0 and D has 1.3, the total difference is (0.7 + 1.0 + 0.3) = 2.0, resulting in a (2.0*6% =) 12% chance of increase in County A per year. Demesne counties that are behind do not increase the rate of spread, but do not penalize it either. TotalDemesneDifference is limited to 5, providing a maximum bonus of 30%.

The maximum Demesne bonus is 30%.

  • TotalNeighborDifference is, similarly, the sum of the tech lead in all neighboring provinces. Neighbors of different religious groups provide only half of their lead. If a county is both a neighbor and in the same demesne, it counts for both TotalDemesneDifference and TotalNeighborDifference.

Where TotalTradePostDifference is the sum of of the tech lead in provinces that have your trade posts. A 0.20% bonus for a 1.0 tech level difference is all you get. Note: I didn't completely test this one out. I tested it at 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.9, 4.0 tech level differences, and with 1 to 15 trade posts. The above formula worked for 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 tech differences and was slightly off at 3.9 and 4.0 tech differences. Example: You have 15 trade posts with 8.0 tech levels in a given technology. Your capitol has 4.0 tech levels in that technology. The Total TradePostDifference would be 60. (15 * 4.0) According to my formula the Trade Post Bonus would be 12%. The game showed 11.7%.

  • SpymasterIntrigueSkill applies to a Spymaster using the 'Study Technology' mission in a target foreign province.
  • TargetProvinceDifference is the tech difference with the Spymaster's target province.

Note: If the difference in tech levels is only 0.1, you get no bonus from the spymaster.

  • Councillor Bonus is 0.05 per skill point if the appropriate Councillor is using the Research Tech mission in the province.
  • From cities: 0.3 for each level of University
  • From temples: 0.1 and 0.2 for the first and second levels of School
  • From hospitals: 0.25 for each of the Library and Pharmacology Laboratory

Starting technology[edit]

Different regions and religious groups start with different levels of technology to represent the varying levels of cultural sophistication and achievement present across the world depicted in CKII during the Middle Ages.

The starting levels in 769 are:

Western Sub-saharan Africa0.10.10.1
North-western Africa0.51.11.1
North Africa0.751.51.5
East Africa0.450.30.6
Eastern Europe0.20.250.15
Tarim Basin0.51.02.0
Chinese regions1.251.02.0
India and Tibet0.51.02.0
Western Europe0.50.851.0
British & Ireland0.50.700.75
Southern Iberia0.751.21.5
Middle East (not including Egypt)

Individual regions will have specific set levels for certain techs within the tech-tree.

Later start dates[edit]

Each region has a predefined ending technology for the latest possible start, in 1337. For dates in between, technology takes a weighted average of the starting and ending levels.

Western Sub-saharan Africa3.53.53.5
North-western Africa4.04.04.0
North Africa4.04.04.0
East Africa3.53.53.5
Eastern Europe3.53.53.5
Tarim Basin4.05.07.0
Chinese regions4.55.57.0
India and Tibet4.05.07.0
Western Europe (including all Spain)
Middle East (not including Egypt)


Key technologies[edit]

Military tech boosts army effectiveness.

  • Military Organization boosts retinues and supply limit, and removes pagan defensive attrition at level IV.
  • Siege Equipment increases siege speed, a vitally important feature in later dates, when fortresses in most counties have fortification level above 6.0, preventing assaults on them.
  • Tribals can invest in Infantry and Skirmish Techniques as the techs benefits troop types which form the bulk of their armies: Light and Heavy Infantry, and Archers. In the same vein, nomads can invest in Cavalry and Skirmish Techniques.

Economic tech boosts income and enables buildings that increase army size.

  • Castle Infrastructure I is required to build the Stone Hillfort, which is vital for tribal rulers to adopt feudalism.
    • For rank 3 members of the Romuva Warrior Lodge, this tech will make their use of Renown for construction more efficient as the Renown cost remains the same for buildings which cost more in terms of wealth and Piety.
  • Improved Keeps II allows constructing the second level of walls in castles, cities, and temples. These walls are a prerequisite for most military buildings.
  • Trade Practices II and III quickly ramp up the number of allowed trade posts per patrician family. These techs are also important if your realm is near the Silk Road, as you control multiple counties where trade posts can be built.
  • Town Infrastructure II and Construction III enable building Universities in cities and Translation Houses in hospitals, allowing you to generate even more economic technology points.
  • Shipbuilding I provides your first fleet levies (unless you have merchant republics).

Culture tech improves vassal management by enabling new laws and improving opinion.

  • Legalism enables new laws.
  • Majesty V is required for Imperial Administration. (If Conclave is inactive, also require Absolute Crown Authority from Legalism V.)

Strategies for the realm[edit]

  • Conquer a good county and make it your capital. E.g. Rome is often poorly defended; beware of triggering early crusades if you're not Christian.
  • Use council missions to spread tech to your capital. Invite good councilors. Send the spymaster to a location with high tech. Consider having the other councillors use the 'study [tech group]' missions, especially while the spymaster is studying technology, since the bonuses are multiplicative.
  • Spread economic tech throughout the realm. Tech spread could be encouraged from the capital by using trade zones, a spread-out demesne, and council missions.
  • Have many duke-rank vassals, since counts do not generate technology points. With viceroyalties, vassals with high stewardship and learning skill could be selected, although opinion and age are usually more important considerations.
  • If Muslim and non-nomadic, ignore Religious Customs, as Muslim realms do not have theocracies. If the realm takes in theocratic vassals, convert them or revoke their titles.
  • Remember that Nomads do not generate tech points; the small amounts produced by buildings in their nomadic capital should not be relied upon.

Strategies for research points[edit]

  • Gain traits that boost multiple attributes such as Diligent , Patient , and Ambitious . See education and focus.
  • Inherit research points: arrange for the ruler's heir to rule a duchy before inheriting the throne (this works well with feudal elective or open succession). Conversely, if a vassal duke dies without heirs, the liege inherits their tech points along with their titles and wealth.
  • Let special vassals spend their points in the liege's capital: the player could grant their capital to the Ecumenical Patriarch or a holy order captain who normally holds no counties. Then revoke the county a year later. (If the player rules the Byzantine Empire or Restored Roman Empire, they can use a decision to seize Constantinople or Rome, respectively.)
  • Concentrate research point use on new technologies, since the player will gradually receive the other technologies for free. They can see the spread rate by hovering gears in the Tech view (F5) or by hovering the three icons in the province view.

A note on Technology Spread[edit]

Technology Spread is a mechanism that allows counties that are behind in technology to catch up but once your technology is advanced enough Technology Spread does absolutely nothing for you - so there's no need to take the Spread Modifier events at that point.

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See also[edit]

Castles • Cities • Temples • Tribes • Nomadic capital
Capital • Economy • Levies • Revolt • Technology • Cultural buildings • Great works
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